Properties and advantages of GRP  pipes


The production of GRP pipes is based on the principle of sustainable development. This way, throughout the entire technological flow, from raw materials to finished product, the carbon footprint is low and the pipes are made to last for generations. In terms of economic sustainability, production costs are relatively low and their chemical, physical and mechanical properties – such as corrosion and UV resistance, low weight, abrasion resistance, and smooth internal surface – reduce transport, handling and maintenance costs.

Flexible material

GRP is a flexible material which, in combination with the behaviour of the earth around the pipe, allows good absorption of external loads. Unlike rigid pipes that break under high loads, flexible GRP pipes have high strength and allow deformation and redistribution of loads to the surrounding soil.

Adaptable manufacturing process

GRP pipes can also be used for the rehabilitation of old pipes by through relining.  This process involves inserting a smaller diameter pipe at the damaged area inside the pipe requiring rehabilitation. GRP pipes are excellent candidates due to their high flexibility which allows them to be manufactured in a size very close to that of the original pipe.